It was a school night and I was done working on my enrichment project
for the day. Or you good just say it was "bed time". Anyways.
You will get a description thingy (okay, my tired typing hands are getting
tired of typing "description thingy" so lets call it....hmmmm....I was thinking
of something with the word "poodle in it".... how about poodle hoodle!)
Okay, so lets move on with the poodle hoodle for today!
MORNING - I finally concluded why my alarm didn't go off in the morning
(as you saw in the other post) because it was set for 6:45 PM! Actually I concluded
that yesterday but there was no time to talk about that since there was no poodle hoodle!
Anyways, lets talk about this morning. Got up. Cleaned up. Ate up. All the usual, oh except
for (I think I forgot to tell you this) that I am at my grandparent's. So it isn't a "all the
usual" morning completely! It was a little different but it is just fine. My friend, Vicky, got sick (ya really wanna know? She threw up!) and didn't go to school today until lunch recess.
I almost forgot to turn in my lunch money (again!). But we are not on afternoon yet, I can't speed ahead of myself like I always do! =D Now where was I? Oh yes, I remember! Since she was gone her mother could not pick me up (she brings us to school every morning) so my grandma drove me to the bus stop. Did I mention that the car was unheated? Talk about unpleasant. So here we are in the car that is colder than outside and we finally decide to get out and go in my house where it is warmer. MUCH warmer. So I walk in and I hear a faint meowing getting louder and starting to sound more and more like a horse with a sore throat. It was coming from upstairs so I went up and my cats had somehow managed to jam my door open, walk inside my room and somehow close the door behind themselves managing to lock themselves in my bedroom! Lucky we came when we did because they good have peed everywhere! When it was time for the bus come we got back in the car and waited ten minutes. Tick, tock, tick, tock. It was 1 minute before it was supposed to be here and it usually comes earlier than that. Plus, nobody was at the bus stop. It was getting fishy. And when I thought about it, when I used to ride the bus we had a new bus driver like ever two weeks and that always changed what time they would pick us up and drop us off. Their schedule was always changing and of course I was nervous! With about 30 seconds to spare the bus came. And boy was I relieved. I got on and it was so warm. Really, really warm...
AFTERNOON - As I said earlier my friend came back just in time for recess, so that was convenient. Right after recess is lunch so that was when I ALMOST forgot to turn in my lunch money which I was supposed to be turned in yesterday. First I told a friend to remind me to bring the money. So she wrote it down as a not to self. Then I told my teacher. So as I was heading out the door they both said "Don't forget your lunch money!", which I had forgotten. So I went back and got my lunch money and stuffed it in my pocket. It was sticking out a little (Phew. Glad it was! You will see why.) and the the person sitting next to me (my friend, obviously. Not a boy or something.) and saw the end of it out of my pocket and asked what it was. Then I remembered to turn it in! =D
EVENING - I had Odyssey of the Mind tonight. Same 'ol, same 'ol. Really, I am not kidding
you...I had piano lessons, had dinner at my friend's house and....nothing much. At all.
Boring night.
My poodle hoodles have gotten shorter and shorter because I am telling you everything
and now there is not much left to talk about. I will try keeping an eye out for more things
so it won't be pretty much the same thing every single day! =D
Hope you enjoyed!
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