I have concluded that every day I will find a
new picture of what I am feeling like.
And you are probably thinking "Isn't
that the exact same thing as the 'Blog Pic'?"
Well, the "Blog Pic" represents i-starr itself
but this picture is explaining how I am feeling
today. I will have a little description like this
but it will actually explain about the picture, but
right now I am juts introducing it to you. =]
Morning - I am back at my house and I got up right on the dot! I almost forgot that my alarm setting was still for 6:45 PM so I shot right up, turned on thew light and set my alarm for the right time. Thank goodness I remembered. No question I didn't have anything to post about last night. At least I didn't have anything to post about before these three things happened ;
1. All the songs got washed off my iPod
2. My hamster, Nibbles, died!!!! =[
3. Our house almost caught on fire.
Okay, now I have to explain all of those things.
ALL THE SONGS ON MY IPOD GOT WASHED OFF - That happened because I was trying to transport some of my mom's song onto my iPod and I accidentally replaced all of my songs with her songs, leaving me with 30 unwanted songs. I tried to get my songs back but enede up deleting the ones that replaced mine. That all results to a blank iPod... =[
MY HAMSTER, NIBBLES, DIED!!!! =[ - Earlier that day I saw her (she has a broken leg, is blind and is is living way past there normal life span) walking around getting some water and nibbling on some food. I thought she was fine, no sign that she was not go to live that day. Well, that night (last night, for that matter) I was putting more food in her food bowl, and some of the food flew around the cage and a piece of corn landed on her. She didn't react. Nothing. I tried picking her up and she didn't even bite. Her eyes were closed. I couldn't see her breathing. I tried to convince myslef that I could never tell of she was breathing or not, she did it too lightly. But part of me didn't belive that. I sound like some kind of character in those cheesy books, but I was scared. I tried convincing myself, yet again, but with something different this time. I was sure that she was in a very, very, very deep sleep. I finally knew what had happened. My hamster had died...I cried for quite a while. It was very sad...=[ (another sad face!)
OUR HOUSE ALMOST CAUGHT ON FIRE - Okay, it isn't like we had to use a fire extinguisher. But that was a good time to you use one! In fact, right now I am questioning why a fire extinguisher wasn't used...hmmm. Interesting. Anyways, let's get to the point. My dad was putting my mini pizza (No, was not going to eat all of it at once. I am not a pig =P) in the oven and for some reason there was an oven mitt, (OVEN MITT, people!), and it caught on fire. There was SO much smoke and amazingly the fire alarm didn't go off. I am questioning the fire alarms now. I am questioning alot, aren't I?! =] Anyhoodle. I start smelling smoke and my dad yelling. I get my mom and brother and dad throws the mitt in the sink turn the water on, and everything is settled. Except for one teeny tiny little thing : SMOKE! I went upstairs where it was even worse and I crawled on my knees (that's what they always tell you to do, isn;t it?) just to get the feel of what it would be like to be in a real, huge, fire since I probably won't ever be in one (or use the "stop, drop and roll" technique. Then again...). We had to open the front and back door (that really didn't make feel comfortable) and all the cool air and wind came in. It finally got back to normal and I was relieved... =] ?(Yay! A smiley face!!!!)
Since all that typing is making me tired I am going to give you a short poodle hoodle of the day.
The Rest of Morning - Ummm. Breakfast pizza at school. That was good. Yeah, there really isn't anything to say or do along from last night. I did what I usually do. I have to keep an eye out better. (I also found out that my cats like to look out the window and jump into it and end up hurting themselves. They are eager to go out there!) =D
AFTERNOON - Blah, blah, blah. We had a very good lunch. A cheese filled bread stick with spaghetti. The best one we have had now.
Evening - Paint is splatterd all over my shoes (Do NOT ask why!). Nothing special. I had this really good dinner but I could not pronouce the name of =] That's all. I am really tired. Night night...
100% Me. 100% Blogger.
WOW beautiful picture, Zoe. I really think it is neat. For one it is pink, and for two i like the images within it. Very neat idea.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about Nibbles. I wish young people or any people for that matter did not have to experience death. It is a sad truth about life. -sometimes life ends, but new life begins.
I will say a prayer for you doll. I hope you are doing better. I love you! Uncle Jim Jim