If you are thinking that I am going away then you
are totally wrong. Zip zero. Nothing. Not right. Nope.
My parents are though. They are going to Colorado
to look for condos. For THREE days. Three days all
to myself (well, and my grandparents =]) but pretty much to
myself. Well, kinda. No not really. But I am kind of
sad because I love it when my brother comes up to my room
at any random time in the night (we are talking 1:00 AM people!)
and kisses my on the cheeks, patts my head and says "Good night
lil' angel" and it is about the most adorable thing in the world!
Now lets not get carried away here, not all mushy mushy but still
I think that is pretty darn cute. Now it is time for my daily description thingy :
MORNING: Okay, so last night I double, no triple, checked my alarm clock to see
if it was set right and if it was on. And it was on. So I was expecting to get up at 6:45
in the morning. And that didn't happen. If I sleep in the slightest amount over the second
my alarm clock blares I freak out and move around frantically causing a mess and usually end
up with horrible hair, unmatched clothes, and a horrible breakfast because of sleeping in for
two minutes. Well, today was another story. Have you ever woke up on the weekends
thinking it is a school day and you get already and pack your lunch and you are bright eyed and
bushy tailed and you find out that it is Saturday? In most cases that would not happen to you,
but when I was little I did it A LOT... were talking big time. And from that I now
have a sensor in my brain that knows when it is the weekend and when it is the dreaded...
MONDAY. Monday is the worst day of the week for me, just to tell you. Anyhow,
I slept until 7:00 AM and woke up thinking it was the weekend. And my alarm didn't even go
off! I went over to look at it (why does it have to be on the other side of the room?) and it says
that it is on, but for some reason it never did beep. Well, luckily I have an alarm inside
my head the triggers at 7:00. Unfortunately, I thought today was Sunday. That is
NOT a good combination. I went ahead and had cereal (because I forgot about school,
and I have breakfast at school usually) and around 7:30 I realize it is Monday. How did
I realize? I have no idea. But I am glad I did when I did. I hustled and actually managed
to look pretty good. =]
AFTERNOON - My stomach had a very mild pain when I got to school, but of course who
in the world would complain about that ? So of course I didn't. Then we went to the gym
(on the floor, AGAIN. Eww. Talk about gross...) to watch an oprah version of "Hansel and
Gretel". Kinda weird if you ask me but by that time I didn't care at all because my stomach
had a VERY sharp pain. I toughed it out for the rest of the hour, but I told the teacher when I
could. I went to the office to get my temperature taken and I did not have a fever so I stayed
in the classroom until my stomach got worse. Then I called my grandma and she called my
grandpa who came (after a long time) and picked me up. I love being sick because
I get pampered, but I hate because it doesn't feel good.
EVENING - I finally took the medicine that tasted like "candy" and felt better after a nap
and finishing a book called "The Worst Class Trip Ever" and it was really good. By the time
I was done my grandma had dinner ready (Four Cheese rice. Yum! =]) and my tummy
was full and happy by the time it was over. I started reading another book and finished it,
then my grandpa gave me ANOTHER book to reading. I love reading. Call me
a bookworm! =]
Hope you enjoyed my boring today! =D
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