I will talk about that in a second but first I need to put on the pic for the day.

it feels wierd. I feel powerful and confident like orange, but
still have a pinch of shyness adding the white, then I am exited
which is the twist of yellow. I also have some....some.....well,
something, I don't know. But that adds the pink whatever
it is! =] Thanks for looking at the pic of the day....
I can talk about OM tomorrow. It can wait...=P
Are you kidding me? I have to do a poodle hoodle....again?
No thank you. I would rather go back to my old self because poodle hoodles
are getting really boring! BTW, my space bar has some kind of crumb under it or something
and it is causing it to be hard to make a space. So if you see a place where a space is needed
and not there then please notify me immediately! =D
It is really hard to post everyday because it really does take up some valuable time...
I will try to post a bit longer, but no guarantee! Thanks for sticking with me
through my projects, school drama and other activities =] You guys
have been awesome and I am SO thankful for that.,...
Thanks for visiting i-starr and I hope you enjoy it!
100% Me. 100% Blogger.
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