I chose this picture because I am feeling
a mix of feelings today. I feel as if I am a
variety of people. I am bursting with excitement
but at the same time I am stressed, happy,
tired, angry, peppy or whatever, but I am
all mixed together! The feelings all mixed
create this retro picture!
=] =D =] =D
Ready for the Poodle Hoodle?
Didn't think so.
Well, too bad because I am going to start the poodle hoodle anyway.
MORNING - Slept in 15 minutes late.
Almost late again. Nothing special.
AFTERNOON - School. Recess. Lunch. Not much to talk about.
EVENING - Now this is where the fun (or funner than the rest of my day. Not exactly fun.)
I went to mono typing. I thought it had something to do with typing but oh my gosh
was I wrong. It is where you take a magazine picture (well, that is what we did anyways. You
can free hand it, too.) and out line the picture and fill it in with the right colors you want
with watercolors. You are supposed to trace it and paint it on clear glass, but we used
transparency paper which resist water so watercolors did not work god with it. When your
done you are supposed to get a piece of wet copy paper (and dry it off with newspaper to make it
damp) and you put it on top of the picture you made. Smooth it out for about 15 seconds and
then take off the copy paper and woolah! The picture that was on the transparency paper is
now on the copy paper! =] While I was there my mom was at the old Wal-Mart on
the bad side of town =0 , and everybody was chanting for Obama! =P
Well, that is the most boring and short poodle hoodle EVER!!!!!
Rate this a another boring post...
I wonder when I came going to do something "Interesting" or "Cool", lol. Geez....
100% Me. 100% Blogger. =]
i only said boring because you told me to! love ya!