16 December, 2011
14 December, 2011
NSN...and stuff.
New picture. (: So, since it's the last week of school before winter break, they are cramming a TON of homework and tests.
In science, when I finished my test, I drew this(:
You say NeverSayNever, I say NeverSHOUTNever.<3333
I love him.
and yeah.
xoxo Abercrombie.
09 December, 2011
No one likes school.
TGIF! <3 As my title says, no one likes school..
And...yeah. Um and yeah and um (;
Ezra and I gonna have a sleepover tomorrow(;
bday party next week, couldnt go to the one today D;
oh well.(:
just chilled today-pumped for tomorrowwww :D
xoxo Zoe Kelly
And...yeah. Um and yeah and um (;
Ezra and I gonna have a sleepover tomorrow(;
bday party next week, couldnt go to the one today D;
oh well.(:
just chilled today-pumped for tomorrowwww :D
xoxo Zoe Kelly
04 December, 2011
300th post/Nicoleee.
This is my 3OOth blog post. Yay! Honestly, that isn't that many posts. Like, it's alot, but I kind of expected more than that considering I've had this blog for about 3 and a half years! I will celebrate when it is the 1OOOth post. :D Alright? Alright..Cool. Cool story, Bro. Sorry, random much? Point-Nicole came over today! (: Fun stuff. We were going to make a music video, but guess who got lazy and didn't feel like it? Me. Of course. But we took a few {alot} of picture, haha. If you feel like looking, scroll down. And if you don't feel like looking, don't scroll down....POTATO.
03 December, 2011
I'm mostly pretty much kind of a happy girl and stuff and yeah.
HAHAHA. So. Ezra came over yesterday, and I don't feel like writing a long drawn out post about it. Yesterday, she rode the bus home with me (We had a test yesterday, fyi. #ew.) and last night was just totes fun. We all went to the mall (me, ezra, gabby, zoe, alex, and some other people.) and then we went to the movies, and we went iceskating. then we just walked around and bought ice cream and ate cookie dough- afterward, Ezra and i walked back to my house cuz its close to all of that, and we jammed out to songs, and we video taped one at the end. We were really tired at the point, but i'll show yall anyways
And here are some pics. like, if you care, and stuff. HA.
And here are some pics. like, if you care, and stuff. HA.
30 November, 2011
Tomorrow, it is December 1st, 2011.
That means there is only 24 days until Christmas.
That means only 24 days until more pairs of Miss Me jeans and Hollister/PINK shopping sprees.
That means buying 12083908190 songs on iTunes with giftcards, and not feeling guilty about it afterward.
That mean jolly music that makes my heart warm and makes me feel fuzzy inside.
That mean I don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning.
So, it means alot of things- all of which I CANNOT wait for.!
Yaya. This Friday, I might go iceskating with Ezra.!(: Oh and her birthday party is coming uppp.(:
So excited- cuz we are all camping and eating marshmallows and getting mauled by bears,..etc.(;
It's girls AND guys, double YAY.!
And, I'm just pumped. December is like one of my favorite months. I'm a stupid January baby. But I guess that's better than the day I was 'sposed to be born on- February 14. Ew. Valentine's Day. Valentinooooo day ugh. The day I see couples making out in the hallway, while I'm forever alone. So, I'm glad it's on not on V-Day. And, I don't wanna be born in December, 'cause you get ripped off. Relatives would send you like one gift and be all like "Merry Christmas/Happy Bday!!" Haha.
Except, I just realized; January is really close to Christmas!
Eh, I give everyone 3 weeks in between though, to get those pay checks(;
HAHAHA love yaaaa.
xo xo Zoe Kelly
That means there is only 24 days until Christmas.
That means only 24 days until more pairs of Miss Me jeans and Hollister/PINK shopping sprees.
That means buying 12083908190 songs on iTunes with giftcards, and not feeling guilty about it afterward.
That mean jolly music that makes my heart warm and makes me feel fuzzy inside.
That mean I don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning.
So, it means alot of things- all of which I CANNOT wait for.!
Yaya. This Friday, I might go iceskating with Ezra.!(: Oh and her birthday party is coming uppp.(:
So excited- cuz we are all camping and eating marshmallows and getting mauled by bears,..etc.(;
It's girls AND guys, double YAY.!
And, I'm just pumped. December is like one of my favorite months. I'm a stupid January baby. But I guess that's better than the day I was 'sposed to be born on- February 14. Ew. Valentine's Day. Valentinooooo day ugh. The day I see couples making out in the hallway, while I'm forever alone. So, I'm glad it's on not on V-Day. And, I don't wanna be born in December, 'cause you get ripped off. Relatives would send you like one gift and be all like "Merry Christmas/Happy Bday!!" Haha.
Except, I just realized; January is really close to Christmas!
Eh, I give everyone 3 weeks in between though, to get those pay checks(;
HAHAHA love yaaaa.
xo xo Zoe Kelly
27 November, 2011
Hey! I know I'm a little late, but I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was OK. But my mommy was outta town to visit my grandpa, because he had a stroke- on her birthday! D: It's really sad, all thoughts and prayers would be appreciated. xoxox. Anyways, I went to my friends house the day after Thankgiving (Amber) and we had lots of fun. Here are some pics.
So yeah, we had a good time! We walked all the way to Subway. TWICE. ahaha. we didn't bring money the first time. That lady looked at us so awkward. Then, when we came back she was really rude and made our sandwhich realllllly slow. Eh. whatever. HAHAHA.
Comment what you guys did over the break.!(:
xo xo zoe kelly.
07 October, 2011
Typical day of an average normal 7th grader.(;
HAHAHAA. The title makes me laugh.
Because, I am not a typical normal average 7th grader(:
I am a confident, but not arrogant, wild, but not completely insane, random, but not annoying (I hope) 7th grader(;
Today, I woke up at 5:30, because the bus gets here at 6:45, and I know I take a long time to get ready, but I take a shower, so...I don't take long showers at all, usually 10 minutes, rarely 15, but my hair dries slower than and elephant trying to paddle across the seven seas. Speaking of seven seas, there is this song, by Christofer Drew *sigh.* that I remembered!! I love it, and in the beginning he mentions the seven seas, haha, so that's why I said that. Told you, I am random!(: But, real talk, it's cute, here's the link. And, I have a certain person in mind when I hear this song, it makes me sad):....
Where was I?? Oh, yeah, OK I would erase what i just typed, but I don't feel like it, so deal sweetie.
Umm, So I got to the bus, and I hated it, 'cuz people had the windows rolled down, and no matter how prep this sounds, it totally ruined my hair! No joke!/: I was having a bad hair day to begin with, it was all frizzy and then wind whipped it around for literally 30 minutes): So, it take 30 minutes to get to school, and by the time I get there, it's almost EMPTY. No, i'm not being dramatic. the other day, I was the first one to go in the gym!! (The place where we sit before school starts...weird, right? But last year we sat in the cafeteria...on the floor. woah, my school sounds so ghetto HAHAHAH.) But, yeah, so the first couple hours of my day pretty much consist of trying to make my hair look good, listening to my ipod because no one is around, and being TIRED aaaas fudgemuffins. <--- HAHA(: I laugh alot. wow, i just realized that. :O Dangggg. Um, so!! ANYWAYS!..There is this asian in my art class, and he's so Freaking amazing! Like fuhreal! I'll put a video of him on monday or tuesday, lol. Alright, so after waiting the gym, etc. I went to my classes, and there was freaking RED CHALK on my seat, and a little on Syd's, and luckily for me, I'm a freak and don't actually like ever sit On my butt, i sit in really weird positions, so somehow all I got it on was ONE of my knees, and the bottom of my shoes...Syd got some on here shoes, to......I love spelling "two, to, too" wrong on purpose!!(: I mentioned that in another post i think, but i fuhreal!!<3 <3 <3 Anyways, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th hour were boring and stuff. Ok, well bye!! (:
Because, I am not a typical normal average 7th grader(:
I am a confident, but not arrogant, wild, but not completely insane, random, but not annoying (I hope) 7th grader(;
Today, I woke up at 5:30, because the bus gets here at 6:45, and I know I take a long time to get ready, but I take a shower, so...I don't take long showers at all, usually 10 minutes, rarely 15, but my hair dries slower than and elephant trying to paddle across the seven seas. Speaking of seven seas, there is this song, by Christofer Drew *sigh.* that I remembered!! I love it, and in the beginning he mentions the seven seas, haha, so that's why I said that. Told you, I am random!(: But, real talk, it's cute, here's the link. And, I have a certain person in mind when I hear this song, it makes me sad):....
Where was I?? Oh, yeah, OK I would erase what i just typed, but I don't feel like it, so deal sweetie.
Umm, So I got to the bus, and I hated it, 'cuz people had the windows rolled down, and no matter how prep this sounds, it totally ruined my hair! No joke!/: I was having a bad hair day to begin with, it was all frizzy and then wind whipped it around for literally 30 minutes): So, it take 30 minutes to get to school, and by the time I get there, it's almost EMPTY. No, i'm not being dramatic. the other day, I was the first one to go in the gym!! (The place where we sit before school starts...weird, right? But last year we sat in the cafeteria...on the floor. woah, my school sounds so ghetto HAHAHAH.) But, yeah, so the first couple hours of my day pretty much consist of trying to make my hair look good, listening to my ipod because no one is around, and being TIRED aaaas fudgemuffins. <--- HAHA(: I laugh alot. wow, i just realized that. :O Dangggg. Um, so!! ANYWAYS!..There is this asian in my art class, and he's so Freaking amazing! Like fuhreal! I'll put a video of him on monday or tuesday, lol. Alright, so after waiting the gym, etc. I went to my classes, and there was freaking RED CHALK on my seat, and a little on Syd's, and luckily for me, I'm a freak and don't actually like ever sit On my butt, i sit in really weird positions, so somehow all I got it on was ONE of my knees, and the bottom of my shoes...Syd got some on here shoes, to......I love spelling "two, to, too" wrong on purpose!!(: I mentioned that in another post i think, but i fuhreal!!<3 <3 <3 Anyways, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th hour were boring and stuff. Ok, well bye!! (:
26 September, 2011
Crazy as everr.♥
So, even though i haven't been blogging, it's not cause I don't have anything to write/type about-it's cuz im too lazy(; Just giving yall an explanation!(:
Dont worry, this girl is still INSANE.
insane as everr.
[The two "r" 's represent the two in my middle name!!!] ;D
goodnight!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Dont worry, this girl is still INSANE.
insane as everr.
[The two "r" 's represent the two in my middle name!!!] ;D
goodnight!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
25 July, 2011
It feels good to get stuff done.
Today, we got a ton of stuff done! We exchanged my earrings that broke from Claire's, went shopping at Target, got pedicures, brought stuff to the dry cleaners, and went to the post office. We also had some food at McDonald's, lol, but i'm kinda healthy so i just got a strawbery-banana smoothie...Yup, exhausting, but it's feels good to get stuff DONE:) oh, and here is a picture of a flamingo pen, that i think is hawt.....,
24 July, 2011
living it up!
Hi guys! So I just found out my dad's job got transferred to a different building, so our house being built down here has to be canceled ): Lol, but it's kinda to late to build another one before school starts. so i am probably gonna get to go to the middle school at my home town!(: for a semester, lol. that's good/badd!
Anyways, here are some pictures i took while we've been down heree...

Anyways, here are some pictures i took while we've been down heree...
24 June, 2011
Look at me now...(; I'm getting paperrrr, No really, look.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxox -zoe(;
Bye, bye Justin...My walls will miss you.
The music got too loud, and you can't hear me!! AHHH. Oh, well. Summer has been great so far<3 KEEP READING, LOVE YA! xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo.
07 June, 2011
Sk8r chik?!
heyy...i gotta BMX bike! it's freaking AWESOME! sooo now i snowboard, skate board, and can do a wheelie on a BMX bike![; sk8r chik much?? and a blonde one too[;
hahah L8R!!!!!!!!!!!
03 June, 2011
I'm going blonde for the Summer!
Hi, i'm zoe. AND IM BLONDE! Yez, i went totally and completely blonde. picture? sure(:
And I'M MOVING, IN 2 WEEKS, SO yeah! MWAH MWAH kiss, kiss.
And I'M MOVING, IN 2 WEEKS, SO yeah! MWAH MWAH kiss, kiss.
30 April, 2011
29 April, 2011
I am confident!
I am confident I did well on the state test; I had the Math one today, and it was pretty easy(: I went back and checked my answers, and corrected 3! That's alot outta only 60 questions...honestly, I think the test needed more than that. Because your score goes up when there is more questions; well, that doesn't make sense, but lemme give you an example. You take a test with 10 questions, and you miss 2 wrong= you have an 80%, boo hoo, a "B"; but let's say you missed 2 on 20 question test- you have a %90, WOOHHO an "A"! And I do understand that you might miss more on the one with more questions, but I think you kinda have a better chance because there are more. IDK, maybe I don't make sense, but seriously, before the big state test we did a practice test in Math and it had 100 questions (well, 99. but, whatever.) and if I miss 5 I EASILY make an A. But with 50 questions, it's BARLEY an A. Ya know??? ANYHOODLE, I think I did really well and there were only 2 or 3 questions I wasn't completely sure about, but oh well(: Alotta people invited me to go to the movies with them, but I just now read the texts and they were from like 2 hours ago. Oops(: Well ima go do....stuff. Hmm, what to do? I have volleyball tomorrow! Mwahaha, ily. BTW, TOMORROW IS LAST DAY OF NABLOPOMO! Woop! :D
28 April, 2011
Let go.
Sometimes you can't do anything about it, you have to watch your love with someone else, your old best friend laugh with someone else, and see the memories fade away- it's sad, but, oh well; you make new boyfriends, best friends, and memories.
27 April, 2011
Back to me. The real me.
Yes, I'm back. And I mean me. As in, I am now Zoe! Not Zoey or Zoei or Zooey or Zimbabwe; I am Zoe. Plus, I just like the way "Zoe" looks better than with a "y"....That's pretty much it :D That's the reason, i guess(: i am so confuzzling!!!!!; ohh, I love life♥ MWAH, g nite! love ya! well depends on who you are! xxx ♥
26 April, 2011
And my fingers just dance across the keys.
I must say I do love piano, the way my fingers glide across the keys and dance around as if butterflies are floating about(: MWAHAHA, it's fun being all polite and proper and stuff. So, back to normal ZOE/Y!!! Today I had piano and I think I did pretty awesomenessish! :D And...yeah, that's it. Mwah, g nite! ♥♥ xxxxx
-Z. ♥
P.S. I always say 'Oh. Hmm, don't worry, I know this place like the back of my hand!!', if like me and my friend are in a store, but who ever I'm talking to should be worried, because I will get us lost, cuz I mean I don't know the back of my hand all that well......Juss sayin. (;
25 April, 2011
Pretty much this week schedule?...
Yesterday, blah. Went to church and in the middle of it got a MIGRAINE. It is only the second migraine I've ever had, and it suckeddd. Okay, so ya know when you take a picture when the flash is on and you kinda see like a little light afterwards? Well, it's kinda like that, but worse and more painful and plus a really bad headache/stummy pain mixed in; AUGH!!?!?!? I fell asleep at like 7:00 and before that I took like a 3 hour nap. I don't think I've ever slept that much in my life! Crazy! So tomorrow I wanna do something worth while to make up for all that sleeping(: So, my schedule this week. MONDAY (TODAY)= Umm, nothing. Dance. TUESDAY= Test at school and piano. Omg which reminds me, I gotta go practice! BRB._________________ OKAYYY, back! WEDNESDAY= TESTING, THURSDAY=BRACES CHANGED FRIDAY=VBALL PRACTICE, And why am I typing in all CAPS?! Okay, I'm too lazy to back space, and re type that all so SATURDAY= VBALL GAME, PACKING TO MOVE, HOPEFULLY SPENDING THE NIGHT AT SOMEONE'S HOUSE(: So, yeah! Ily! ♥ (:
24 April, 2011
23 April, 2011
Easter Eve
Helloo,.♥ It's Easter Eve! Yay! I'm uber excited for tomorrow! What are YOU doing for Easter Sunday?! Comment! (:
22 April, 2011
Fair and Sleepover
I'm at Laci's right now and Rylee is here, too. Her Mac Book is soooo confusing. Like, instead of left clicking, your right click- wierddd. We got to go to the fair/carnival in town! It was MUCHO fun :D There were a ton of fun rides, and went of this really awesome one called the Down Draft 2 times, it was just sooo amazing! But the tickets were MUCHO expensive! Mahahaha. Here's the thing: Me and Laci went to the fair in like 2nd or 3rd grade and at the time I was EXTREMELY short (Don't get me wrong. I still kinda am, but at least I'm over 4'5" now! I'm 4'11" now, by the way) and I was BARLEY tall enough to get on it- And I seriously almost freaking fell out of it, because you lay down on your tummy and it spins around. So this time we kinda went as a reunion and to celebrate my tallness and ableness to go on rides without almost DYING. ;D hehe. Also, when waz littlez, we went in these things called the monkey cages. They are like boxed in seats and they go around like a Ferris Wheel, but faster. And while it's going around you can like flip them upside down and stuff, it's just so fun. But at the time, I was like terrified- white knuckle terrified. Blahhh! So THIS time I wasn't at all, I was pumped. LACI WAS! She did end up going on it with her boyfriend though, because she didn't wanna be classified as a wimp (: I went on with Rylee, and we were spinning it like crazy, it was so fun. Me and her were rebels, Laci and Connor didn't spin in that much though, lol. Laci's phone came out of her pocket on the ride, though!!! And the back fell off and the battery came out, but luckily she found the battery, but not the back of the phone. That is the 3rd time she has lost the back of her phone, but this time it wasn't her fault! SO YEAH. :D Oh, and before we left me and Laci decided to look goth and creepy, just for fun.
Now, we just be doing regular sleepover things like painting nails, watching movies, prank calling. Ahhh. mm, i love this. !♥ mwah. g nite.
Go Synergy!
Today was beast! So first of all, SYNERGY WON! You're probably like "Huh?" Well, lemme explain. So our school, which is 6th and 7th grade, is divided up into 6 teams. Each team has a different set of teachers and usually different lunch times, etc. So, anyways, a few weeks ago our vice principal started this thing called "Survivor". It's pretty much all of the teams competeing and whoever wins gets- 1. THE PLEASURE OF WINNING(: 2.EXTRA RECCES. 3. POPCORN PARTY AND POPSICLES 4."AND MORE"....really don't know what that's gonna be, haha! The subject of the game is to try to get as many points as possible. You earn these points by participating in class, and everyone turning there homework in. Also, every Monday and Wednesday we would go in the gym and do kind of an obstacle course and answer tough questions, and the team that finished first would obviously earn a lot of points. Everything was going good and smooth at first, until something else got added...."Questions and Clues." They hid questions and put up clues around the school and this is how it would work- If you found a question, in the hallway, let's say you can't just tell the vice principal. You need the clue, too. Vice versa. Because the clue might say "I am in a spot where numbers are added and subtracted", so you would go to the math room. Once you got there you would find the question and would be something like "What is a quotient?". But let's say you were just going to math class and you saw the question and knew the answer but didn't have the clue. Well, tough luck, you better find it because some one on the other team might have it! And the reason this called problems isn't really the actual concept of it, but the rules weren't very clear at first. This caused a lot of conflict and people blaming others for cheating. All in all, I'm glad Synergy won. We won by 17 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 April, 2011
Well, this is embarrasing...
Well, this is embarrassing. Sorry for being the worst blogger in the planet. For the past week or so, or more. I have just been trying to adjust to a new lifestyle- I am being healthy and fit. I already was, but I want to cut out the junk food and replace it with that good ole 60 minutes a day thang, ya know?(: Well, it was hard at first, but now that my body is much more used to it, I really think I can dig it. And I REALLY think that you think I need to think more in my posts, and make them more BAM! BOOM! SHAKA LACKA TING TONG! Get what I'm saying? You with me? Comprehendo? Courstey of my math teacher; Ya follow??(: So! TODAYYYY. World Studies- Hmmm. Learned stuff. Homework due tomorrow in that class, which I already finished, yay!(: Science- Writing. Writing. Dang, how much longer do we have to stay on this unit?!? We've been learning about electricity FOREVER, since like 4th grade. Let's get into the fun stuff! Chemistry and all that. Explosions!!! Math- Finished our practice test. It was 99 questions and we were supposed to 25 everyday. So I got some chill time for the end of 4th hour!! mwahahaha. Extended Studies- Ohh, good times. We did a trivia challenge and the teams were randomly chosen on this generator on the computer and thank god I was with Payton! Hehe, we were the Muddy Hippos. Best. Team.Ever. ♥ Ain't that the truth...Had to be there thing. Language Arts- We are like lil kids again((: We read a book about a lil bull frog who lost his hop!! Fun, till you have to answer a million bajillion kalbiilion questions on it and in complete detail and great descriptions, etc...Yeah. Art- FUNNY. We played truth or dare at the end and we dared Zach to eat glue. Ahh, funny guy- he did. You gotta watch this, if you haven't already! (: [LOOK BELOW. obviously. lolz.!!!)
Sorry, got carried away. Mwahaha; ily. ♥[:
20 April, 2011
19 April, 2011
Work it, make it, do it.
work it, make it, do it makes us better, fast, stronger.....♥which I need to be[:
18 April, 2011
Toned and fit.
Hiiii. So today I was so healthy. I exercised a ton and ate totally healthy foods! BOOM SHAKA LACKA! Welll, see ya! xxx.
17 April, 2011
Hey guys I saw someone post how many views they got since February and that got me thinking! I have over 2,200 views since January!!!! :D :D It's only been 3 months[: Thanks!♥
16 April, 2011
At least I'll be in the movie...
Okay, so here in my town they are making some movie; and you can try out for a background part. Cool. I guesssss. Haha, but you don't really "try out" they just take your picture. I was like ummok(: Lol.♥ I wanted to show them my personality lol! xD xxx love ya/
15 April, 2011
My day in a couple sentences, pretty much.
Okay, today in a nutshell??♥
Moning- Overslept. Again. Like third time this week. Maybe i should go to bed earler? lol. I feel smart. Lunch- Yummy. no big cookie today!(: trying to cut down on- NOPE not carbs!- but HYPERNESS. hehe.After school- Okay. turned in my article for magazine for this month. Etc. Volleyball GAME tomorrow, hurrah! Evan rode the bus today, but i didnt even sit by her. D: Oh well. Bye. xxx. lol. love you all[:
14 April, 2011
Ahh. Hi peoples. Ugh, I hate when people say "peoples". PEOPLE IS ALREADY A FREAKING PLURAL! Or like, when I'm at a restaurant and the bar has a sign that says NO PERSONS UNDER 21. Really?! PERSONS?????? Anyways ♥ I am super tired! I'mma go to bed.
Loverz you; article done! homework done! piano done! Ahhh. I love accomplishing things. :D
USC, here I came. Go trojans! Cali is beast. ♥♥♥-Z.♥
13 April, 2011
My other so-called journal
Ello. ♥
My blog isn't at detailed as normal, yeah, I know.
But I have a journal at my house, that's my own. Private.
I can say my feelings and thoughts and rage and vent.
Without getting in trouble. ♥
But; yeah. So that's kinda why. My posts are like this. ily.
12 April, 2011
The best kind of days.
Hey guys, today has juss been really chill- the best kind of days[: In Piano Im working on a really complicated song, but I almost have it down! Yay. 6And the picture today is about being IN THE MOMENT. This picture was taken on a trip to Mexico and I took it at just the right time[: Oh, howw I loved that little mapache (which is Raccoon in Spanish, BTW.)
11 April, 2011
Hiiiii guys. So today I got checked out right before 5th hour to go to the city to see my grandma; that might have been the last time because she is moving all the way to Michigan and we are moving all the way to Texas! Hahaha, and they are on opposite sides! Oh noooo. After a little bit I texted my best friend Evan before she was at dance (which I missed, too! I hope I didn't miss too much!) and I told her when she came outta dance she would have like 50+ texts from me. Well, I stayed true to my word. I said things like [word for word!]- 'Pie is OKAY, but apple and lemon meringue is the best kind. But it's not as amazingggg as it's made out to be!!' and "What's the square root of 2884262 oh nvm its 1698.311 wow thats how bored I am" and ORANGE + GREEN=....????!!Brown do you think!!!!???" and like 30 more of those kind of texts. Than finally I ended it with this text, right before she got outta hip hop "I wonder if you read all that(: If you did you deserve a Tshirt that says "I SURVIVED ZOEY." <3 ily." So I did the next best thing! I made a certificate rewarding her for that instead[= We have known each other since we were like 2 months old so!!(: That's why it says "FOR SURVIVING 12 YEARS OF ZOEY" Aha! :D Oh, and in the city I got new Adidas stuffz(= Heehee.
10 April, 2011
Swimming, pictures, more.
Hey guys! So, yesterday I had my volleyball tourny- as you guys know. Than we headed off to Tulsa and me and Halle went to a swimming party!(: It was soo fun. And this guy named Justin was there; hilarious! Than around 11:00 we watched Saturday Night Live, but we both fell asleep before it ended(: I need to go get ready for dance pictures today! CYA! PEACE. (: xxx love ya!
09 April, 2011
Getcha head in the game.
Okay, I know- my title is a freaking HSM quote. Well, I had a volleyball game today at the YMCA and Me, Molly, Kaylin, Tatum, and Vicki M are all different teams! And me and Molly had to compete against each other; but here's the catch- like everyone on both of our teams we in 3rd grade. Mixing 3rd-7th graders on a team doesn't always work. We were both the only 6th graders on our teams! Ahhh! Lol! Next year, if I still live here, I'm gonna do the Vball Club- it's aimed towards people my age and up. It's more expensive, but much better I think. Today I also might be going to Tulsa to swim with my friend Halle! Fun! Cya!!!!!
PICTURE: LOVE. CONFIDENCE. BEING IN AWE. (: Taken And Edited by Zoey Kelly.
08 April, 2011
It doesn't matter.
So today I was thinking- why do we care so much about what other people think of us? Why should that matter, ya know? Why is it that we always want positive from people, when if we never got negative, we wouldn't know the difference??? Just a thought. So, today was gross! Just ask Sydney. Oh, and here's my picture for today! Sorry I've kinna been slacking lately. I just gotz way too much on my plate.
So this picture is pretty much about what I said earlier- Spreading out your wings, Showing yourself, not being afraid of what others things, embracing you and your beautifulness(:
Taken and edited me Zoey Kelly.
Anyways, so today really was gross. I don't wanna go in detail too much- haha, I'll spare you. But in the morning this girl had a fake lip piercing and it got me and Syd talking about piercings and shes like "Oh ya they can cut your skin like anywhere and put a needle there so you can pretty much have a piercing anywhere". -____- Thanks for putting that image in my head(((: Shes like, YA, ANYWHERE!!!!! LIKE your back or leg or anything". Than in Extended Studies a guy was drinking water and somehow it got in his nose and he puked up BLOOD WITH CHUNKS IN IT! Sorry you had to read this. Welp, that's today. Oh, wait. I almost died today! This really...umm, big dude tripped when he was going down the stairs and I was at the bottom waiting for Sydney and HE ALMOST LANDED ON ME!! Ahhh, scary. Like hyperventilating scary. Like, my life flashed before me eyes.
I guess all my life consists of is my little brother sticking his tongue out, because that's what flashed before my eyes. AHAHAHA. :D love yall. xxx.
So this picture is pretty much about what I said earlier- Spreading out your wings, Showing yourself, not being afraid of what others things, embracing you and your beautifulness(:
Taken and edited me Zoey Kelly.
Anyways, so today really was gross. I don't wanna go in detail too much- haha, I'll spare you. But in the morning this girl had a fake lip piercing and it got me and Syd talking about piercings and shes like "Oh ya they can cut your skin like anywhere and put a needle there so you can pretty much have a piercing anywhere". -____- Thanks for putting that image in my head(((: Shes like, YA, ANYWHERE!!!!! LIKE your back or leg or anything". Than in Extended Studies a guy was drinking water and somehow it got in his nose and he puked up BLOOD WITH CHUNKS IN IT! Sorry you had to read this. Welp, that's today. Oh, wait. I almost died today! This really...umm, big dude tripped when he was going down the stairs and I was at the bottom waiting for Sydney and HE ALMOST LANDED ON ME!! Ahhh, scary. Like hyperventilating scary. Like, my life flashed before me eyes.
I guess all my life consists of is my little brother sticking his tongue out, because that's what flashed before my eyes. AHAHAHA. :D love yall. xxx.
07 April, 2011
06 April, 2011
This a post. Hehe, I'm funnny(: Sorry, I actually have alife- I cant update this as much as I want to. Expect the best posts on the weekends when I have tonsa time(:
Love ya xoxo. BTW, all A's on my report card(((: Clean room. That's it-cya!(:
Love ya xoxo. BTW, all A's on my report card(((: Clean room. That's it-cya!(:
05 April, 2011
04 April, 2011
Cleaning and dancing
The DJ got us falling in love again........Yeah, baby. Dance, dance, dance like it's the last, last, night night of your life, life......((:
Yeah, the song that I'm listening to as I'm cleaning my room.
Yeah, the song that I'm listening to as I'm cleaning my room.
03 April, 2011
Way too much.
Hey guys. Today, I tried to upload the video to Youtube. It said it would take 4 hours, so I left my computer on and went to do some other things. When I came back there was about 1 hour left, and stupid me, I dunno what I was thinking- I closed the window. Yeah, so the vlog will be on here TOMORROW, sigh/: I uploaded it to Facebook, though, so at least it's finished. No picture today, I will put 2 on tomorrow, though. just bear with me! Thanks, and i promise a much better post tomorrow x)
---Jersey shore<333
---Jersey shore<333
02 April, 2011
And now we be on Day 2.
Hello(: Yes, I actually am sticking to this. I took another picture today, of a flower in my front yard. Ya like? Created and edited by Zoey Kelly. AKA ME :D haha.
And if you are wondering why I keep taking pictures of flowers and posting them is because I am doing this cool thing called NaBloPoMo, where you post once everyday for a month, and the theme is SPROUT. I was thinking I could take a picture of something that reminded me of sprouting everyday, so there ya go. As well as the regular post/journal entry. Hope you like it!!! So, today it is REALLY NICE OUT. Me and my brother are gonna go outside right now, but if anything new happens later, I'll post it. Love ya! xxx
And if you are wondering why I keep taking pictures of flowers and posting them is because I am doing this cool thing called NaBloPoMo, where you post once everyday for a month, and the theme is SPROUT. I was thinking I could take a picture of something that reminded me of sprouting everyday, so there ya go. As well as the regular post/journal entry. Hope you like it!!! So, today it is REALLY NICE OUT. Me and my brother are gonna go outside right now, but if anything new happens later, I'll post it. Love ya! xxx

01 April, 2011
Life is a journey. Day 1.
Hiiii. I'm going to post a picture everyday for a month! For NaBloPoMo. Well, you're supposed to POST (like, as in WORDS!!! Aha.) everyday, which I'm gonna do that, too. But I am going to put a picture up, too. And today? You guys be lucky. You're gonna get a picture, a video, and a post. Okay, well, here's the thing- The theme you're supposed to do all your posts on is "SPROUTING". so ready? let's do this.
This picture is based on the growing of life- sprouting into bigger (not just physically, but mentally too) and maybe better things. I took a picture of a flower- well, soon to be- on a tree in my backyard. I'm also trying to try another thing out- Having a new perspective on life, trying a new side on things.Hence, this insanley pretty picture. Created and Edited by Me. Me= Zoey Kelly. :D
Do you like it? And, yes, that actually was taken by me. It's so good, it actually has you questioning that, doesn't it????!!! Hahahaha :D Anyways, while I was trying to take the PERFECT picture outside, my adorable and amazing little brother came out. He asked if we could play a few games of soccer, so I thought sure, why not? I decided to take a video of it, too, just so I could watch it later, and if it was interesting enough or good enough of a game, I could post it on here----well it was. Here is what happened the 3rd round!(:
Smooth, huh? As you can see, I literally fell on TOP of the poor guy. 80 pounds of me, like 30 pounds of him. He may be little, that Sammy, but he is GOOD at soccer. No joke. Like, I'm seriously re-thinking my soccer skillz! I can't beat a six-year-old? Ehhhh.
Now for the WORDS part of this thing- So, today, I got up and did my hair, put on my clothes (obviously....) and went to school. I sat with my bestest friend forever, Evan! In the morning! I love her, no homo. She is fantabulisoush! Anyways, usually I can't sit by her because there isn't enough room...ugh! /: So I sit by my other bestest friend forever, Laci! In fact, I stuck up for her on a FB post today. Speaking of that, SHE HAD HER FIRST KISS! TODAY! AT SCHOOL!!!! Laci, I'm sorry if you didn't want me to put this on here, but trust me, your mom doesn't read this, anyways....And when you're old and wrinkly and you forget who you're first kiss was with I will be all "HA I KNOW!!! CUZ I POSTED ABOUT IT! IT WAS WITH ________!" I'm not saying the name, because I am not gonna go THAT LOW. that would be like an invasion of privacy. Anyways. Off topic, much????? Here's the deal, though----I only have 2 BESTTTTTT FRIENDS, but I have alotta best frandz, friends, and....I-KNOW-YOU-FROM-FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!'s.
Wow, where am I going with this? Kay, so yesterday I didn't go to school 'cause I didn't feel good at all. Kinda like a not bad enough to stay home for a couple days, not good enough to go to school, so I just hung low for day. Today, it's getting much better. But Evan caught it! We seriously think our dance teacher gave something to us. 'Cuz our dance teach kinda hates us(: I guess we talk too much(: Well, I don't GUESS, I KNOW. But our teach came to dance sick, and yeah, that's pretty much it. So now me and Evan are all blah x[ At school, it was okay. I didn't have to catch up on anything, really. Oh, and I know this post wasn't exactly "professional" and the subjects are kindah jumping all over the place, but honestly, I don't have time to organize this. Better posts later? Haha, well, maybe! I just hope this was entertaining enough. Thanks for all the support and congrats to the giveaway winner! :D
Keep living.
Oh, pshht. And I forgot- Happy April Fool's Day. (:

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