Hiiii. I'm going to post a picture everyday for a month! For NaBloPoMo. Well, you're supposed to POST (like, as in WORDS!!! Aha.) everyday, which I'm gonna do that, too. But I am going to put a picture up, too. And today? You guys be lucky. You're gonna get a picture, a video, and a post. Okay, well, here's the thing- The theme you're supposed to do all your posts on is "SPROUTING". so ready? let's do this.
This picture is based on the growing of life- sprouting into bigger (not just physically, but mentally too) and maybe better things. I took a picture of a flower- well, soon to be- on a tree in my backyard. I'm also trying to try another thing out- Having a new perspective on life, trying a new side on things.Hence, this insanley pretty picture. Created and Edited by Me. Me= Zoey Kelly. :D
Do you like it? And, yes, that actually was taken by me. It's so good, it actually has you questioning that, doesn't it????!!! Hahahaha :D Anyways, while I was trying to take the PERFECT picture outside, my adorable and amazing little brother came out. He asked if we could play a few games of soccer, so I thought sure, why not? I decided to take a video of it, too, just so I could watch it later, and if it was interesting enough or good enough of a game, I could post it on here----well it was. Here is what happened the 3rd round!(:
Smooth, huh? As you can see, I literally fell on TOP of the poor guy. 80 pounds of me, like 30 pounds of him. He may be little, that Sammy, but he is GOOD at soccer. No joke. Like, I'm seriously re-thinking my soccer skillz! I can't beat a six-year-old? Ehhhh.
Now for the WORDS part of this thing- So, today, I got up and did my hair, put on my clothes (obviously....) and went to school. I sat with my bestest friend forever, Evan! In the morning! I love her, no homo. She is fantabulisoush! Anyways, usually I can't sit by her because there isn't enough room...ugh! /: So I sit by my other bestest friend forever, Laci! In fact, I stuck up for her on a FB post today. Speaking of that, SHE HAD HER FIRST KISS! TODAY! AT SCHOOL!!!! Laci, I'm sorry if you didn't want me to put this on here, but trust me, your mom doesn't read this, anyways....And when you're old and wrinkly and you forget who you're first kiss was with I will be all "HA I KNOW!!! CUZ I POSTED ABOUT IT! IT WAS WITH ________!" I'm not saying the name, because I am not gonna go THAT LOW. that would be like an invasion of privacy. Anyways. Off topic, much????? Here's the deal, though----I only have 2 BESTTTTTT FRIENDS, but I have alotta best frandz, friends, and....I-KNOW-YOU-FROM-FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!'s.
Wow, where am I going with this? Kay, so yesterday I didn't go to school 'cause I didn't feel good at all. Kinda like a not bad enough to stay home for a couple days, not good enough to go to school, so I just hung low for day. Today, it's getting much better. But Evan caught it! We seriously think our dance teacher gave something to us. 'Cuz our dance teach kinda hates us(: I guess we talk too much(: Well, I don't GUESS, I KNOW. But our teach came to dance sick, and yeah, that's pretty much it. So now me and Evan are all blah x[ At school, it was okay. I didn't have to catch up on anything, really. Oh, and I know this post wasn't exactly "professional" and the subjects are kindah jumping all over the place, but honestly, I don't have time to organize this. Better posts later? Haha, well, maybe! I just hope this was entertaining enough. Thanks for all the support and congrats to the giveaway winner! :D
Keep living.
Oh, pshht. And I forgot- Happy April Fool's Day. (:

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