08 April, 2011

It doesn't matter.

So today I was thinking- why do we care so much about what other people think of us? Why should that matter, ya know? Why is it that we always want positive from people, when if we never got negative, we wouldn't know the difference??? Just a thought. So, today was gross! Just ask Sydney. Oh, and here's my picture for today! Sorry I've kinna been slacking lately. I just gotz way too much on my plate.
So this picture is pretty much about what I said earlier- Spreading out your wings, Showing yourself, not being afraid of what others things, embracing you and your beautifulness(:
Taken and edited me Zoey Kelly.

Anyways, so today really was gross. I don't wanna go in detail too much- haha, I'll spare you. But in the morning this girl had a fake lip piercing and it got me and Syd talking about piercings and shes like "Oh ya they can cut your skin like anywhere and put a needle there so you can pretty much have a piercing anywhere". -____- Thanks for putting that image in my head(((: Shes like, YA, ANYWHERE!!!!! LIKE your back or leg or anything". Than in Extended Studies a guy was drinking water and somehow it got in his nose and he puked up BLOOD WITH CHUNKS IN IT! Sorry you had to read this. Welp, that's today. Oh, wait. I almost died today! This really...umm, big dude tripped when he was going down the stairs and I was at the bottom waiting for Sydney and HE ALMOST LANDED ON ME!! Ahhh, scary. Like hyperventilating scary. Like, my life flashed before me eyes.
I guess all my life consists of is my little brother sticking his tongue out, because that's what flashed before my eyes. AHAHAHA. :D love yall. xxx.

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