I am confident I did well on the state test; I had the Math one today, and it was pretty easy(: I went back and checked my answers, and corrected 3! That's alot outta only 60 questions...honestly, I think the test needed more than that. Because your score goes up when there is more questions; well, that doesn't make sense, but lemme give you an example. You take a test with 10 questions, and you miss 2 wrong= you have an 80%, boo hoo, a "B"; but let's say you missed 2 on 20 question test- you have a %90, WOOHHO an "A"! And I do understand that you might miss more on the one with more questions, but I think you kinda have a better chance because there are more. IDK, maybe I don't make sense, but seriously, before the big state test we did a practice test in Math and it had 100 questions (well, 99. but, whatever.) and if I miss 5 I EASILY make an A. But with 50 questions, it's BARLEY an A. Ya know??? ANYHOODLE, I think I did really well and there were only 2 or 3 questions I wasn't completely sure about, but oh well(: Alotta people invited me to go to the movies with them, but I just now read the texts and they were from like 2 hours ago. Oops(: Well ima go do....stuff. Hmm, what to do? I have volleyball tomorrow! Mwahaha, ily. BTW, TOMORROW IS LAST DAY OF NABLOPOMO! Woop! :D
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