07 October, 2011

Typical day of an average normal 7th grader.(;

HAHAHAA. The title makes me laugh.
Because, I am not a typical normal average 7th grader(:
I am a confident, but not arrogant, wild, but not completely insane, random, but not annoying (I hope) 7th grader(;
Today, I woke up at 5:30, because the bus gets here at 6:45, and I know I take a long time to get ready, but I take a shower, so...I don't take long showers at all, usually 10 minutes, rarely 15, but my hair dries slower than and elephant trying to paddle across the seven seas. Speaking of seven seas, there is this song, by Christofer Drew *sigh.* that I remembered!! I love it, and in the beginning he mentions the seven seas, haha, so that's why I said that. Told you, I am random!(: But, real talk, it's cute, here's the link. And, I have a certain person in mind when I hear this song, it makes me sad):....
Where was I?? Oh, yeah, OK I would erase what i just typed, but I don't feel like it, so deal sweetie.
Umm, So I got to the bus, and I hated it, 'cuz people had the windows rolled down, and no matter how prep this sounds, it totally ruined my hair! No joke!/: I was having a bad hair day to begin with, it was all frizzy and then wind whipped it around for literally 30 minutes): So, it take 30 minutes to get to school, and by the time I get there, it's almost EMPTY. No, i'm not being dramatic. the other day, I was the first one to go in the gym!! (The place where we sit before school starts...weird, right? But last year we sat in the cafeteria...on the floor. woah, my school sounds so ghetto HAHAHAH.) But, yeah, so the first couple hours of my day pretty much consist of trying to make my hair look good, listening to my ipod because no one is around, and being TIRED aaaas fudgemuffins. <--- HAHA(: I laugh alot. wow, i just realized that. :O Dangggg. Um, so!! ANYWAYS!..There is this asian in my art class, and he's so Freaking amazing! Like fuhreal! I'll put a video of him on monday or tuesday, lol. Alright, so after waiting the gym, etc. I went to my classes, and there was freaking RED CHALK on my seat, and a little on Syd's, and luckily for me, I'm a freak and don't actually like ever sit On my butt, i sit in really weird positions, so somehow all I got it on was ONE of my knees, and the bottom of my shoes...Syd got some on here shoes, to......I love spelling "two, to, too" wrong on purpose!!(: I mentioned that in another post i think, but i fuhreal!!<3 <3 <3 Anyways, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th hour were boring and stuff. Ok, well bye!! (:


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