You should be.
Because we had Halloween on Thursday! Because there was a game
yesterday and a game today! So I trick-or-treated on October 29th.
Now that, my friends, is all wrong. =(
Changing the subject. I was going to be punked out Tinkerbell but with last minute changes (not to mention, saving some moolah) me and Vicky were "Wacko Sisters"! What is that, you ask? Honestly, I don't know. We wore oversized sunglasses, pajama bottoms, and
neon make up. We were so stupid, crazy and nerd looking! Well, actually. Vicky, somehow, I don't know how managed to look adorable. I, on the other hand - some mess you don't want to talk about. Just kidding! Big THANKS to mom for doing make up and
Vicky for giving me and awesome night of Thursday! No, not as much candy as last year but hey, whatever. Later peeps!
personally, i think you were BOTH adorable !!! that's just my opinion. love ya!