WOW who knew girls and scouts could be such and AWESOME combo?
So the night started off with me feeling not-so-well. Feeling guilty for all fellow
members, having to dread the sleepover without me, I took a rest and had my
dad take me back to girl scouts. When I got there they were finishing their
pizza (they made it themselves! How cool!) we wrote in our cute new journals,
and then painted our nails and did our hair. My friends helped make braid -
not the cutest, but I was going to take them out in the morning anyways-
my hair so it would be cute and wavy the next day. Also, I learned how to make
this very cool key chain. I forgot what it was called, it is pretty much weaving with
craft string. Then today, SOMEBODY'S cell phone woke all of up at around 5:00
in the morning, and front here we couldn't get back tot sleep. So we started on the
breakfast. Omelets, bacon, donuts, fruit, toast. Yummmm. Unfortunately,
I wanted tomato on my omelet but we either lost it or the person responsible
for bringing it forgot it. I don't know what happened, but all-in-all that
is the only down side to my day. We took lots of pictures and funny videos!
I might be able to post some on later! Also, we got to go to the courthouse because
Grace's, one of the troop members and awesome friend, mom is a lawyer. We didn't
get to go into the jail, were all of the cells are, but I would be really freaked out in
there! We tie-dyed shirts, and hopefully my looks good! In fact, it it in the wash right now!
Good night everyone! It's already 11:00!
LUV ISTARR, luv awesomeness
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