where my blog is filled with posts from Halloween, Thanksgiving,
birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah and getting the groove of back to school.
Not to mention, Fall Break! Today is my awesome daddy's birthday. I sent
him a cute little e-card (shh! don't tell!) and I am planning to
buy him a cool present (I wasn't procrastinating. I didn't forget.
I have been busy, that's all =]) I was reading an article that dads
don't like homemade gifts as much as moms. Well too bad dad.
Homemade on it's way! Speaking of which, I am going to give you
guys a very cute, little craft to do. It's really easy and you don't need
much materials. I'll post it later, because it's more of a Mother's Day gift,
or overall just more of a girl thing. Anyways, I am planning on buying
him at least one thing but homemade is really my thing. My signiture
collection ZK & CO is hitting the top of the charts! Kind of. Anyways.
I'm sure I'll think of something! And for the occasion, we might get
to go out to eat but lately we have been limiting going out because
1. Home-cooked meals are the best!
2. It's usually healthier to eat at home
2. It also saves us a lot of money
Speaking of money, my BFF is obsessed over saving it!
She has this blog devoted to coupons, it's the cutest little
thing I have ever seen =)
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