For one, if I bring back my permission slip tomorrow, I get 20 extra credit points for science.
The point is my grade in that class will be like 113! So happy(:
So far, my lowest grade is Language Arts. It's a 98%, which is still really really good, So I'm SUPER PROUD!!! And you're probably thinking, Shouldn't she have a 100% in that class?? She writes in a blog everyday...BUT that class isn't just writing. In fact, it's barley writing. It's mostly reading and taking tests on "The 5 Elements of Literature" and "The 8 Parts Of speech". Yeah, she was sooo right- our teach said (in the beginning of the year) that by the end of this unit we would be sick of those and we ARE. /:
But i guess it's worth it cause we have a huge test comin' up in April! I think I am ready for it(: more better and important things, my day was awesome. In all of the classes, it seemed like the teachers were in a really great mood! So half the time I was just laughing and having a good time(: But nothing really BIG or SPECIAL happened today. Like Me burying sam, Sam pushing me in A pool, Me almost dying on a rollercoaster, Me getting stung by a jelly fish, A big fire, BLAH BLAH.
But, I do got something pretty entertaining for ya!
Apparently, my brother wants a little tux for picture day(: cute, right?
Well, he doesn't have it yet, but here's and idea for ya!!! Haha. It's SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY, no haters, please!
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