This is the foward that started it all:
Fwd FWD FWD fwd: 2morrow is Wild
Thang day! Wear the brightest, cutest, wildests thing 2skool! Try to stand out from the rest!!! And Idk about u, but Im gonna show some enthusiasm and wear somtin WILD!!!!!!! Fwd this to 10 of your WILDEST best frands and lets c if we can get at least 1/4 of da school 2 b WILD THINGS!! :D
Yup, I got that forward around 11:30 p.m.
So I immediately started rummaging through my closet and found some...uhu, bright/interesting/tacky lookin' clothes! And this is what it turned out to look like!! Hahahahahaha.

And believe it or not I wore that *shudder* outfit to school. Which you probably don't believe me, but here is me and the one other chica who did it with me, LACI FRIGGIN ECKLES :D
Than, I felt like doing this to her hair. I made it black and white, but kept the pink cheetah print on her nails because its purdii(:
Poor Laci. Remeber when I did THIS to her hair, too? Snookie? I like abuse her heir,. Lol.
And I spelled hair wrong on purpose, Im not dumb, juss so ya know(((:
So there ya have it. Oh, and here is a really sweet note Josh made and gave to some random girl on the bus ride home! Aha(:
And since you can't read that (He wrote it upside down, of course....) it says "If you look in the mirror with 9 roses, you'll see the ten most beautiful things in the word"- Than his little...uhmm, signature thing! Lol! :DD Than he just gave it to the chick in the seat right next to him. She was probably in like 9th grade- we are in 6th! Hahahaha ((:
Well, that's pretty much it for today.
P.S. I remembered to turn in the piece of paper that was worht 20 extra credit points! YAY(: GO me, gooo meh, Go go go granny granny. Ooops, i mean Meh. Ya know that song???? ABC HIT IT? That's so old.,And Im so random!!!! Ahhh I couldn't go to sleep at all last night..... Like, no kidding, I looked at the clock at it was 3:04 a.m. before I actually started to dose off. Augh./: But fo some reason that makes me really hyper! When I'[m tired, I mean.
P.S.S. Don't forget- tommorow is Floral day! Me, Mattea, Evan, Mary, and Claire be doing this one. Me and Claire made skirt day tomorrow before we made up this whole "Floral day" thing. Just my luck, I gotta flower-y Abercrombie skirt! Yayah.
P.S.S.S. I have to remember to bring 2 dollars tomorrow to get the pink bow Laci made.OMG that will be perf for Floral day !!!!! AHHHH :D :D :D
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