Hey guys
! About a year ago I answered 44 questions
. And today
, I'm going to do
just that with the same exact questions
; AGAIN....
1. High Heels or Boots?
Boots. And preferably Uggs.
2. What time did you get up this morning?
6:22 a.m.
3. What was the last movie you saw at the Cinema?
Never Say Never 3D JUSTIN BIEBER! Wiff Laci(:.
4. What is your name?
5. What is your favorite TV show?
Police Women of Maricopa County.
6. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Vanilla yogurt, fruit, or shredded what cereal.
7. Coke or Pepsie?
Blah,. neither. I don't do soft drinks.
8. What food do you dislike?
Cherries. they look cute on purses and backgrounds, but to eat? not so much.
9. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Better than Revenge by Taylor Swift.
10. What characteristic do ou most despise?
Copiers. And Liars.
11. Favorite clothing?
Anything from Holister and/or Abercrombay.
12. Anywhere in the world on vacation?
Hawaii! Or Fuji! Ya, okay, I know, wahayyyy to common answer.'s mostly because I really wannah try surfing.......... andddd laying foot on an active volcano is maybe kinda sorta on my bucket list But it(:.
13. Are you organized?
Uhu...sometimes. With school work, yes. With my room, notttt realllllly.. 14. Do you have any siblings? One brother. sadly. jk, iwubyoulittlesixyearold!!!!(:.
15. What are you going to do after you finish this?
Practice my piano and do some exercise.
16. What was your most recent and memorable birthday?
Memorable doesn't always have to mean good,?. The gifts? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. (thankyouso much mom n dad!) But me???? My 12th
Pshht; not so much. I was sick. Again. I've been sick on my birthday like...what, 4 or 5 times? Gimme a break! Haha, but it was pretty good for the most part(:.
17. What is your birthstone?
Ehh, garnet. Blah. Ugllllllhay. I want April's! A diamond! Oh well(:.
18. Do you play any instrument?
Currently, yes. I have done guitar in the past, but right now I am more focused on piano. And maybeeee that has to do with the fact that I accidentally broke a string on my guitar?. Maybe. Ya.
19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
More of a morning person, according to other peoples. But I can be a night person, IF I TRY!!!! Lol.
20. What is your shoe size?
It's a....7? Yeshh, 7.
21. Do you have any animals?
Yea, 2 kittys and 2 cats and like 8 and a half hermit crabs.
22. Any news you'd like to share?
I am excited for this Friday, because we are having "Outdoor Education" day, which is just another name for HAVE FUN N GET DIRTY!!! Ahhh, how I love Middle School. (:
23. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think a director. What I want to be now? no clue.
24. What is your favorite flower?
Roses. I know, common again; but still. I love 'em.
25. What day on the calendar are you looking forward to?
March 14th. SPRING BREAK, BABIE! Btw, I know how baby is spelled. It's called bein' kewl. AHA!
26. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
27. How is the weather right now?
Mildly chilly. Nice weather.
28. Last person you had a long conversation with on the phone?
With Zane, Braden, Josh, And Vicky. Lasted a while. I don't know my all-time longest though.
29. What is your favorite drink?
My grandma's fruit smoothies. They be delish.
30. Favorite restaurant?
Ted's. Mmmm mm good. Now I sound like I'mma be on a Chicken Noodle Soup commercial. What be up wit THAT?!!?!?
31. Natural hair color?
Dirty blonde, I like the color, but my hair is NOT DIRTY! :( STEREO TYPES! Wait, I think I used the word "stereotypes" in the wrong context...I just learned that word like a month ago and I'm still not totally understandin' it....
32. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I liked cutting hair off my barbies. if that counts.
33. Summer or Winter?
Summer. by far. School? No. Tans? yes. Fun? heckie yah. See what I mean?
34. Coffee or Tea?
Def tea. Coffee is just soooo strong, ya know!!!!!!!!!!!?!.
35. Chocolate or Vanilla?
It depends on what were talking about. But Imma chocolate kinda girl. (;
Expect, did you know there are supposedly like 8 insects legs in every chocolate girl....hey, can I change my answer to vanilla? jk. kinda. /: Lolz!
36. Do you wish you were still young?
well. i kinda am. (:
37. When was the last time you cried?
Probably last week! Nooo. Nevermind. it was on Sunday. Wow, I cry alot more than I thought....sheesh.
38. What is under your bed?
Another bed. Ya, strange. It's for sleepovers and stuff, though. or I can sleep on it if I feel like it. (: Which I like never do. So why did I even type that? Ahhh, IDK. I'm like rambling on and on and on. Procrastinating from homework, if yuh are really wondering why. I act like this alot though. Talking, I mean. Like, rambling.....
39. What did you do last night?
Went bowling with the frands, and practically sisters, Lyndsey and Grace!
40. What are you afraid of?
Natural disasters! BLAH! You can't control them!!!
And heartbreak.
41. Salty or sweet?
42. What is your best quality?
I pick up on new things pretty quickly and I am actually supah creative!!! c(;.
43. How many years at your current job?
don't got one. But having sammy as a brother should count. so 6 years!!!!!, (:.
44. Favorite day of the week?
Saturday. FO SHO.