today I have been working majorly on my enrichment project.
Since I am doing Roman art I have to have four topics and mine
are sculpture, mosaic, glass and frescoes. Two days ago, my mom helped
me make a statue (actually just the head and shoulders, referred to as a bust)
of King David. And yesterday my mom went to Hobby Lobby
searching for transparent clay so I could make a bowl that looked like real glass.
She ended up buyingf one that said it would turn transparent when you cooked it in
the oven, but only the bottom, which was pretty thin, got kind of transparent.
My mom and I concluded that it has to be thin to work. But I was
okay with white because glass can be white, too. My grandpa and I
has been working ABSOLUTELY hard on a fresco, The Last Supper.
Yesterday my mom made a drawing outline of a mosaic and cut out likes of paper
for me to cut out and clue on to fit in the right spots. I finished
writing facts about each topic today and I am going to be working on the
middle of my speech and brochure tomorrow. The day after that I am going to start
practicing. I am going to bring my project in a week early
because if you do so you get extra credit. The due date is actually on my
birthday! Well, anyways my uncle wanted to tell you guys that he did SO
MUCH, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, much that he did so much great little
bitty, lot of nothing. The end. Bye! =]
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