The reason I said Aloha is because my friend got Hawaii as her state!
Lets cheer for her! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
I don't know why but Hawaii has always been 'the bomb' lol.
Anyways, I am TOTALLY back! Everything is under control!
I cleaned my room AGAIN (no need in asking how it got messy)
so that has cleared off some stress. Homework is no biggy and
my new enrichment project is going smoothly, which means more time
for YOU! Blah, blah, blah....I have no ideas what to talk
about. Blogging is hard to do when you have nothing to blog about =D
Talk to you soon! I am going to start having more details, and keeping with
the latest in school. And just for you I will do that today, too!
MORNING : Rolled off my bed and walked all the way to other side of my room ( if it wasn't on the other side of the room then how could I resist the snooze button?) and turned off the annoying "BEEP! BEEP!!!! BEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (which gets louder and LOUDER AND LOUDER!!!) and got myself cleaned up, eating some yogurt, I quickly did my hair and got picked up by my friend's mom. The only reason I did not have breakfast is because I have it at school with my friend. We never did until about two weeks ago because we wanted to try it out to see if we would like it. It is okay, I mean it is WAY better than school lunch, but I am afraid it will turn into one of those things were it isn't enjoyable you know? Anyways, when we were waiting for a line up to go in our classroom (by the way, we wait in the gym on the FLOOR...On the floor! Dude, I don't even know if they clean that floor! =[) all of the girls pulled their Polly-Pockets out of their backpacks and here I am Polly-Pocketless thinking "What in the world" and everyone starts dressing them up playing little scenes and I finally asked why they had them. And they said, "to decorate our houses. ( See, that is a whole other story. We are doing an electricity until during class and we have to wire four rooms with light bulbs that turn on and off with a switch)". And then that is when I remember. Today was the last day to bring stuff to decorate our houses to make them look cool and I forgot. Unfortunately, that day I didn't have breakfast with my usual friend because she was at our school singing program but I worked out sitting with other people, but it still isn't the same, you know? She is just one of those really good friends, and you really can't explain so I won't even bother. Anyways, we did our morning work and all the usual with our new Smartboard! In case you don't know (which any up to date person should) it is any interactive touch screen white board that you can hook up to your computer and surf the web and you can watch television (for educational purposes, obviously, except for once when our teacher put on American Rejects, but at that time we had a tiny T.V. and no Smartboard because our teacher won the give-away thingy not too long ago, and our Smartboard got installed on...hmmm, maybe Thursday last week? I forgot so whateves. =]) and do LOTS of other neat stuff. If you ask me that is WAY cooler than a chalkboard but sorry to some of you oldies out there who don't like electronics! =]
AFTERNOON : Indoor recess. Played a game with Twister with my friend but never got it finished because the pair before took forever (Twister can last a LONG time, let me tell ya.) Nothing special. Oh except for (this happens everyday so its not anything special) when they announced what we were having for lunch (Macaroni & Cheese if you have to know. Seriously, I need my privacy sometimes! =]) they said "and fresh raw baby whole carrots" and everybody started convos on how they should just say "carrots" instead of the whole deal. But I wonder why today everybody wanted to bring that topic up...mysterious... I think it might be to make the carrots sound better? But still...
EVENING - Usually my friend's mom picks me up but today my mom did because I had a club I had to go to and then my friend came over and stayed at my house until dinner (dinner was REALLY good, just to brag, sorry had to do that...hard not to! :D) after a game of Chess that got canceled after about three turns, she left to go home (my dad took her). I read "The City of Ember" for about twenty minutes (Got to page 52), but the other day we watched it in school so that ruined it a bit. I got on the computer a bit to chat with my friend and then I posted. Well I am POSTING. But soon I will be history. Isn't weird to think that everything you do is history? I mean burp the alphabet. If I did that I could be in some kid's history book in the future and it will say "Zoe burped the alphabet in 2009!" and I will be =]
Well, that is pretty much what happened today. See ya later alligators!
Who got Hawaii?
ReplyDeleteLaci...I know you
ReplyDeletewere thinking of Tanner weren't you?!
=] zGirl