24 February, 2011

what i love.

Ahh.(: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is
better than waking up in the morning to the soothing sound of "pitter, patter, pitter" on your window pane. Well, I did. And that started my\] day off energetic and happy. No, I really don't know why, but it just DID. Aha. Funny enough, I kinda used to be terrified of thunderstorms....NOW I find them kind of...calming. Howsoever,,.
moving on. I went to school, you know the usual lesson plans, work sheets, so called "fun activities" that turn out to be gay games,..blah blah blah. Buuut, we don't have too much homework.!!(: Oh, also, in Language Arts, Stephanie (my TWIN!!) being the sweet thing she is, let me have her "Free iPod Time" slip. That's pretty much where you get to listen to your iPod in class for a whole hour. But in order to get the "Free iPod Time", you have to trade your Gotchas in and how you get those is from teachers. For instance, when you are in the hallway, and you help someone pick up the books that they've dropped. If the teacher caught you in the act, you would more than likely earn a Gotcha. Anyways, back to the point!! So while I was listening to it a song I really liked came on called "No Hands". As you guys may or may not know, that song isn't exactly...ermh, "school-appropriate". Anyways., I loveeee that song despite it's "un-school-appropriateness" so I decides to crank the volume a little. But noooo, my finger just had to slip and turn the volume all the way up. ALL THE FREAKING WAY UP!! WITH MY FRIGGIN EARPHONES STILL IN! Umm, ow? I wasn't expecting full blast "Look ma, no hands, and no darlin' I don't dance!" and let's just say...I don't think the whole 6th hour class was either. Talk about embarrassing? And painful? Sorry little eardrums.(: I still love you even though I practically killed you(: ....
After that, when school was over, and we was all in the bus line, I did what any NORMAL 12 year old girl would do. I Justin Bieber-fied myself. Yup. That's right. We are talking sharpies and everything.
               Yes, those are my arms. just totally legitamentness, I KNOW. :D

                                  Uhu, my neon leg. xD xD JB style.

Okay, this one is kinda random. But I made a funny face on my belly(:

Oh, yeah, and this. I ran into the middle of the room, spun around three times, and yelled "I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!" in front of everyone. But, I guess it was worth it. For the gum. (:

So there you have it.
I love rain, Justin Bieber, and Free iPod time.(:
and my friends that are always there to get me through it.(:

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