07 July, 2010

Hermit Crabs

It has been 9 days since the hermit crabs have gotten safely home.  And I am proud to say all ten of them are alive!  They are NOT throw-away pets.  I will tell you that.  There are so many requirements and such for them to be able to live.  They need bunches of attention, and tons of woork needs to be ton everyday.  And it seems like all of the work is for nothing becuase they are nocturnal, so I never see them do anything.  Every night [I have gotten into a habit] of staying up unitl 3 o'clock in the morning, but I still don't see any action from the little guys.  Then I will wake up arond 9:30 or 10:00 just to see them going back in their little hidding spots to sleep.  *Sigh*...but I know it is so worth it!   I will keep you update on them, K?  Here are some pictures!

This is my hermit crab log book, so I can keep up with the routines, and there is a list and information for a crab-sitter if I have to leave. 

And this is their cage.  Which contains the following:
*Salwater in a lid
*Fresh, de-chlorinated water in a lid
*Fake plant/hiding spot
*Damp rag [changed daily] to mantain humidity
*Sticky thermometer
*Healthy moist  mulch
*Sea shells from the original beach they came from
*A stick to climb on
*10 gallon tank

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