29 July, 2010
24 July, 2010
Are you ready? iStarr has a magazine now! There will be a form on here you can fill out for a free subscription to iStarr's new online mag! It will be sent to your email. A sneak peek will be up soon.
21 July, 2010
Okay, so today I am going to actually do SOMETHING worth while. I don't know what yet but it will be worth it. I hope!
20 July, 2010
Not Even Finished
I was so disappointed with the Twilight movie I couldn't even bring myself to finish it and I was REALLY tired. But, really, it was just so much different from the book. Like my mom said, they had to hit all the right spots so that anyone who hadn't read the book could actually understand the move. And also, so much more emotion is put into the book. When you read it you can almost feel the anxiety in the air, or the joy.
CONCLUSION: The book is way better.
CONCLUSION: The book is way better.
Hi! I am watching Twilight for the very first time with my mom. I will give you the update tomorrow:)
19 July, 2010
Okay, so I am telling. The best song in the whole entire world is Monolouge by Taylor Swift! You have to look it up on Youtube. My friend told me about it and it is hilarious. And if you are feeling to lazy to look it up just click here.
Luv ya!
Luv ya!
18 July, 2010
Hey guys! Lately I have been promoting my blog a little bit more. Not exaclty advertising, but actually telling people about it:] Out of the 5 followers I have and anyone else who reads this blog, tell some people.
Thanks and luv ya!
Thanks and luv ya!
15 July, 2010
NEW Kitties!
We are getting new kitties! Today we drove around all day, looking all over town for the right kitten for us. We ended up choosing two! One is a little fluffball and one is jetblack:) We get to bring them home tomorrow, because they have been taken to the veternarian to get checked one last time. Cross your fingers! We do not want them to have anything bad [obviously]! We are going to name the lil' fluffball "Indy" and the other one "Vader". After Indiana Jones & Starwars...Sammy is happy about that one:)
14 July, 2010
I want my parents to come home soo bad! And they do, too! They are stuck at the airport. :( And they have been for almost a week!! If they don't get on the plane today, they are going ot have to think of some other way to get home.
13 July, 2010
What do I want to be when I grow up???
Some of you were right, most of you were wrong. The answering to recent poll I posted, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" was not an actress, chef, or an author. It was a director!
I know that I am going to be one. :]
I know that I am going to be one. :]
In karate you have to learn forms. To get to the next belt your form must be perfected. And since I was gone so long on my trip I have to catch up with their "make-up class"for a couple weeks. [When I was little I actually thought you got to get a makeover at a make up class!] :)
I am not exactly looking forward to 2 hours a day, everday, for 1 or 2 weeks. But I think it will be worth it:)
Well, now I have to go get ready for karate.
I am not exactly looking forward to 2 hours a day, everday, for 1 or 2 weeks. But I think it will be worth it:)
Well, now I have to go get ready for karate.
12 July, 2010
11 July, 2010
44 Questions
1. High Heels or Boots? High heels
2. What time did you get up this morning? 11:45
3. What was the last movie you saw at the Cinema? Letters to Juliet
4. What is your name? Zoe
5. What is your favorite TV show? Don't watch TV=]
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal {shredded wheat. frosted}
7. Coke or Pepsie? Neither!!
8. What food do you dislike? Any seafood. Minus lobster
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I use my iPod, CD's are soo overrated=]
10. What characteristic do you most despise? Liars
11. Favorite clothing? My trust worth lacy tanks=]
12. Anywhere in the world on vacation? Well, I LOVE traveling. Currently, I wanna go to South Africa!
13. Are you organized? Um...
14. Do you have nay siblings? Yep, one little brother :)
15. What are you going to do after you finish this? Turn off the computer and do soemthing worth while :)
16. What was your most recent and memorable birthday? Probably my 11th. My best friend threw me a surprise party :)
17. What is your birthstone? Garnet
18. Do you play any instrument? I am learning piano and guitar.
19. Are you a morning person or a night person? Both!!
20. What is your shoe size? 3 or 4 in kids.
21. Do you have any animals? Yeah, I have some pets. I have 13, 2 kitties and 10 hermies.
22. Any news you'd like to share? Middle school coming up!!!!!
23. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A director. I'm gonna be.
24. What is your favorite flower? Carnation and Black Eyed Susans.
25. What day on the calendar are you looking forward to? None in particular :)
26. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Razzamatazz!!
27. How is the weather right now? Humid. Hot. Humid.
28. Last person you had a long conversation with on the phone? Vicky and Kaylin. =]
29. What is your favorite drink? Milk & Water. Aqua be good.
30. Favorite restaurant? Any Italian or Mexican restraunt! :)
31. Natural hair color? Dirty blonde.
32. What was your favorite toy as a child? I have no clue.
33. Summer or Winter? Winter. I like hot better than cold, but Summer is too much.
34. Coffee or Tea? Tea. Only my gramma's kind =)
35. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
36. Do you wish you were still young? I AM still young...
37. When was the last time you cried? 3 days ago
38. What is under your bed? Another bed! {for sleepovers} :)
39. What did you do last night? Played with Sammy.
40. What are you afraid of? Spiders?
41. Salty or sweet? Um, both? Der!!
42. What is your best quality? Charming:)
43. How many years at your current job? I don't have a job.
44. Favorite day of the week? Friday. =)
2. What time did you get up this morning? 11:45
3. What was the last movie you saw at the Cinema? Letters to Juliet
4. What is your name? Zoe
5. What is your favorite TV show? Don't watch TV=]
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal {shredded wheat. frosted}
7. Coke or Pepsie? Neither!!
8. What food do you dislike? Any seafood. Minus lobster
9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I use my iPod, CD's are soo overrated=]
10. What characteristic do you most despise? Liars
11. Favorite clothing? My trust worth lacy tanks=]
12. Anywhere in the world on vacation? Well, I LOVE traveling. Currently, I wanna go to South Africa!
13. Are you organized? Um...
14. Do you have nay siblings? Yep, one little brother :)
15. What are you going to do after you finish this? Turn off the computer and do soemthing worth while :)
16. What was your most recent and memorable birthday? Probably my 11th. My best friend threw me a surprise party :)
17. What is your birthstone? Garnet
18. Do you play any instrument? I am learning piano and guitar.
19. Are you a morning person or a night person? Both!!
20. What is your shoe size? 3 or 4 in kids.
21. Do you have any animals? Yeah, I have some pets. I have 13, 2 kitties and 10 hermies.
22. Any news you'd like to share? Middle school coming up!!!!!
23. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A director. I'm gonna be.
24. What is your favorite flower? Carnation and Black Eyed Susans.
25. What day on the calendar are you looking forward to? None in particular :)
26. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Razzamatazz!!
27. How is the weather right now? Humid. Hot. Humid.
28. Last person you had a long conversation with on the phone? Vicky and Kaylin. =]
29. What is your favorite drink? Milk & Water. Aqua be good.
30. Favorite restaurant? Any Italian or Mexican restraunt! :)
31. Natural hair color? Dirty blonde.
32. What was your favorite toy as a child? I have no clue.
33. Summer or Winter? Winter. I like hot better than cold, but Summer is too much.
34. Coffee or Tea? Tea. Only my gramma's kind =)
35. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
36. Do you wish you were still young? I AM still young...
37. When was the last time you cried? 3 days ago
38. What is under your bed? Another bed! {for sleepovers} :)
39. What did you do last night? Played with Sammy.
40. What are you afraid of? Spiders?
41. Salty or sweet? Um, both? Der!!
42. What is your best quality? Charming:)
43. How many years at your current job? I don't have a job.
44. Favorite day of the week? Friday. =)
So addicting, yet so useless. I have found this out. So I am going to KEEP it [of course] but the question is if I am going to USE it or not. It needs to be limited, at the least. Post a commnet if you have or had Facebook Fever!
10 July, 2010
Background Music
Ya like? I personally think it makes this blog a little more entertaining! Well, hope ya do, too! Love ya!!!
Cleaned Up.
So now, not only am I "messed up", but I am cleaned up, too! I spent 8-9 hours straight working on my so-called "room"! It was more of a rat's nest. As in, when I was cleaning out my closet there was a brown spider. And he wasn't a wolf spider because he didn't move fast. So, I know it was probably a brown recluse. *Shudder*. So scary. I grabbed the air freshner (Cotton/Fresh Linen scented. Smells oh-so-good) and sprayed him and sprayed him and to top it off I got the glass cleaning spray and shot him with that a few times. Then around 10 o'clock I finally finished cleaning and I showed my grandma and uncle and my little brother! So awesome. So exhausted.
09 July, 2010
08 July, 2010
Vicky's back!
Now my best friend Vicky is back, too! Wahoo! What happened was that I went on a 1 month vacation and about two weeks later SHE went on a 1 month vacation. So I had to suffer 2 weeks without her, and she had to suffer 2 weeks without me. And be both got 1 month of total luxury=) We played a little but today and she got me tons of stuff! If you are reading this Vicky then THANKS!!!! I think if it wasn't for karate we would have played longer, but I am starting to learn my new form in karate. I need to take the make up classes since I was gone so long!
07 July, 2010
Hermit Crabs
It has been 9 days since the hermit crabs have gotten safely home. And I am proud to say all ten of them are alive! They are NOT throw-away pets. I will tell you that. There are so many requirements and such for them to be able to live. They need bunches of attention, and tons of woork needs to be ton everyday. And it seems like all of the work is for nothing becuase they are nocturnal, so I never see them do anything. Every night [I have gotten into a habit] of staying up unitl 3 o'clock in the morning, but I still don't see any action from the little guys. Then I will wake up arond 9:30 or 10:00 just to see them going back in their little hidding spots to sleep. *Sigh*...but I know it is so worth it! I will keep you update on them, K? Here are some pictures!
This is my hermit crab log book, so I can keep up with the routines, and there is a list and information for a crab-sitter if I have to leave.
This is my hermit crab log book, so I can keep up with the routines, and there is a list and information for a crab-sitter if I have to leave.
And this is their cage. Which contains the following:
*Salwater in a lid
*Fresh, de-chlorinated water in a lid
*Fake plant/hiding spot
*Damp rag [changed daily] to mantain humidity
*Sticky thermometer
*Healthy moist mulch
*Sea shells from the original beach they came from
*A stick to climb on
*10 gallon tank
06 July, 2010
04 July, 2010
200th Post!
Oh my gosh! 200 posts! Can you believe it? Well, one things for sure. It's been long enough! I can't believe it. This blog has traveled for years through my life, going on a journey with me. And hopefully for years to come. But don't worry. I will never change the original name! The name is i-starr. And always will be. If I want a different name I will make a different blog to post different stuff, but i-starr will ALWAYS be here! (Until Blogger decides to go bankrupt or something. Which is why I am thinking about moving my blog to my website, too. Just in case!) And sometimes the layout and format will be changed, but never the name. Ever. I love everyone who has been reading this and supporting me! Thanks so much!!! =)
01 July, 2010
Hi! Do you guys like my new playlist of music on the side bar? It is a direct link to the song's music video on You Tube! So cool!
You should totally check it out.
You should totally check it out.
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