amusement park and it is called .. oblivion
Look, I looked it up -------
Oblivion in Staffordshire, England
Considered the tallest vertical drop roller coaster in the world, Oblivion, located in Alton Towers in Staffordshire, England actually drops from an angle of 88.8 degrees … you know, so the wheels will stay on the track. As with many coasters, the build-up and anticipation are mounted by a series of videos showing The Lord of Darkness and perpetrating the legend that some of Oblivion’s cars have fallen into the pit-never to be found. Oblivion reaches a top speed of 68 miles and drops passengers into that dark hole in the ground from 180 feet. The entire ride lasts about 75 seconds.
I also went on Rita, Air and I wanted to go on Nemesis but me and my
shortness =] I was shaking SO HARD on Oblivion. It was the first one
I have been on in I don't know how long and I didn't even watch it before I did it.
I just hoppped on saying "I hope this is fun!" and sure enough it was. But
scary. I really didn't know what I was in for! When I thought it was going a
second time I nearly cried! Talk about scaredy cat. Mopving on --
=D Me and Sophie went to the
arcade and won some cute little key chains and what not. I was going to try to win
a remote helicopter for Unlce Jimmy (I saw three people win it! In a ROW.)
but I used it on more little cute things again. Everyone is going to another
Forest Match tomorrow but me and Soph are staying home. So here grandma is coming
over to look after us - hopefully we can do something fun! Like baking cookies
or something :) Anyhoodle. Once again we have to get up early tomorrow
for check out time but not as early as last time =D
I used to be so on time, like my body just would automatically wake up and
five o'clock in the morning, but ever since Summer started - oh.
You don't even want to know. REALLY. I mean it's crazy - Before
I got here I was waking up at I have to say it? Okay, okay.
In the afternoon.
But this has straightened my schedule up - and when I come back I gain six
hours! So school - here I come! Why in the world is school about to start?
WHY? =[ I love the social part, as in friends but the learning is just...
lol. Anyhoodle. My feet hurt as much as they did at Disney
World. Not a good thing =-D So much fun! Me and Sophie did a little kiddies
Driving Test and we got our driving licenses! HIP HIP HOORAY!
bye bye!
asta la vista!!!!!! :]
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