11 October, 2008

First Follower

Hello. Hola. Bonjour. Guten-tag. Sup.

My first follower is....*drumroll*.... MaBe rox kinda!

But I am just going to call her Mabe, for short.

Woo-hoo, Mabe!

Mabe found my blog from Lily's blog, wich I am a huge fan of!


They have been friends since second grade.

Mabe is awesome, because she is a loyal friend and hopefully nice.

She was my first follower, so ha to you guys who didn't follow my blog at all!

I bet nobody has written a great post about you, but you missed the chance!

But Mabe took that chance and she got it!

Everybody cheer for Mabe!

*does a big chant!*


Life is awesome, but torture without cheese ~ Zoe k.


  1. Hi, Rachel!

    Do you have a blog on here?

    Wanna be friends?

    *zoe k*

  2. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! Mabry is like my Best Friend!!! =D I'm toadally in your blog! WHOOPEE

  3. Thanks for all the compliments!

    I have to go do my home work so...=[


    *zoe k*

  4. omg thanx i woulda followed even if i ddnt read the blog that was all 'follow' or whatever. Ask lill. I'm nice... sometimes.... I mean, it's not like i bite or anything... hard... lol XD ttyl cyl wutev! luvyas! bye!


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