22 January, 2010

Major Hair Cut

Today I had a major hair cut!  My hair WAS way past my shoulder, but now it is almost to my chin!  I think it is super cute, but it looks so different, ya know?  Of course I was hesitant to chop off all my precious spilt ends   hair, but hey.  It looks really good, if I do say so myself!  I will be sure to post more later.  Don't worry, I ahevn't left you yet!  Keep updated! 

18 January, 2010

Honda CR-V

Our family got a new car!  A Honda CR-V.  We chose white, and we would have gotten black if we didn't already have a black Toyota.  Anyways, I LOVE it!  It is so much more spacey then our old Honda (Civic) and it is so much easier.