I found this link, showed it to my parents, and then about five minutes later it was on TV! Tomorrow for laci and I's web show I am going to honor Michael by doing a song of his (music video) maybe Thriller or Bad. This is a HUGE thing and it's...weird.
My parents say he could've really helped the world with fundraisers and what kidding.
This is a huge part of history and I, Zoe, got to watch it - LIVE.
The king of pop, gone.
It doesn't register my brain! And I bet you two weeks from now this is STILL going
to be at the top headlines of the news -
But that isn't all!
Ed Mcmahon died two days ago
And today Fara Fawcett
Plus, Jon & Kate plus 8 get a divorce. But the show goes on! I think thier next show is August 3rd, but they are doing the interview and shows seperate.
Stayed tuned for more info on i-starr 411
--------crazy week, huh? and bff vicky wasn't even here to see it all :( -------