24 September, 2008



This is, of course, another bright idea from one of the comments.

What is your favorite season?

Mine has to be either, Summer or Winter!

It is just way to hard to decide.

I like summer because

- School's out!!!
- Relax
- Swimming or Hanging by the pool
- Playing with your friend
- Popsicles and ice-cream and smoothies
- Vacation Time!

And I like Winter because

- Winter Break!
- No homework for two weeks!
- Ice-skating
- Hot chocolate and coffee
- Being wrapped up in warm blankets and reading
- Sitting by the fireplace
- Making snow angles and snowmen
- Hanging out with friends
- Relax

I love Fall and Spring but those two just have to be my favorite!

Post your favorite Season on a comment!

Also, do my poll!

Have a winter wonderland day!

23 September, 2008

Katelyn's Birthday!

Hello, crazy people, normal people, and under active people!

Guess what?

Well, by the title you probably already know what but I will tell you anyways!

One of my BFF's, Katelyn, birthday is today!

September 23rd!


Cha cha cha cha!!!!

Happy Birthday!


I just wanted to thank all of my readers and supporters and fans and family.

And I would like to thank Blogger for making such a awesome way to share thoughts!

I just wanted to remind you all how wonderful you have been, and I completely thank you for that!

Today I am going to do two post because I have some important news but I really wanted to say thank you!

I love you all!

And I hope you like me, too!

22 September, 2008


This was one of the suggestions on a comment form my previous post!

When you get home and you are lonesome

( Even if you have a brother or sister they aren't very fun to play with, in my case)

Then what to do, what to do?

Well, here is an idea!

Get a pet!

Maybe, your parent's won't let you so here are some tips that might loosen your parent's up a little:

your parent's will know you can clean up after yourself and if you do it good enough they will think you can clean up your pet's messes,too

they may be little things but it can add up to a lot

your parent's will know how responsible you are if you make the right choices

just because your parent's are thinking about it, it doesn't mean you are getting a pet

that will make your parent's think you are less responsible and not patient.

Choosing a pet can be pretty hard, too.

Here is a website that has a quiz that will help you choose the right pet, one that fits you the most:


I made the quiz myself!

Look for the username "PrettyKitty18"!

I hope you like it!

I also hope you get a pet soon!

( I mean- if you want one!)

I hope I helped!

21 September, 2008

Post and Polls


You know how everyday I have a new post and a new poll?

Have you noticed my poll is related to my post?

Example : If my post is about "Bedtime" my poll would be "Is your bed time at 8:00 or earlier?" or "Is your bedtime 8:30 or after"?

Anyways, I wanted to see if you guys could give me any suggestions.

Thanks you for any help!

20 September, 2008

First Words!


Today, we are going to talk about first words.

As in, when you are a baby, what are the first words you said?

Do you wanna know mine?

Don't laugh! :D

My first words were "Pretty Kitty"

Now imagine how the world would be if everybody's first word

was their name!!!

Mine would be "Pretty Kitty"!!!


What was your first word?

Post it on a comment!

17 September, 2008

Early Bird Or Night Owl?

Hello people of earth!

As you all know, the earth has a night and day.

I think.

Well, anyways that is not the point!

The point is...wait, I forgot.

Oh yeah!

The point is in the morning you are wide awake and at night your are very sleepy.

Wait, no, I think it is the other way around, in the morning you are very tired and and night you are wide awake.


Are you sleepy in the mornings or wide awake?

Are you tired at night or are your eyes open wide?

Have you ever heard the saying "Early Bird get's the worm"?

Or have you ever heard of a "Night Owl"?

Well, If you haven't then keep on reading

A "Early Bird" is a person who get up very early and is wide awake, and prefers to stay up no later than about 9:30 pm.

A "Night Owl" is a person who stays up very late and is wide awake, and prefers to sleep in to 10:00 am, but on school days they have no choice.

Another reason why school is bad!

So are you an "Early Bird" or "Night Owl"?

Post the answer on a comment.

Or take the poll.

Actually, do both!


16 September, 2008

After School Activities

After school the first thing you do is homework.
Maybe have a snack.
Then what?
After school, I am bored to death!
The most occupying thing is actually my homework!
All I am doing after school is hanging on the computer or watching T.V. does that sound familiar?
Instead of being a couch potato get out and play.
Don't want to go outside because it is hot, cold, wet or windy?
Well, it's usually not the perfect weather for going outside so we need a back-up plan.
Try some after school activities.
What are your interest?
Rock Climbing?
Whatever it is, I bet you that you can find a class for it!
That way after school you will have something to do!
I do dance after school and I am taking three Multi-Graphic classes, and I do Girl Scouts, I was going to do Rock Climbing but unfortunately the classes were full. If the class you wanted to do is full, don't be sad! You can find some more things to do that you might possibly like better!
I am also doing Odyssey of the Mind. You don't know what Odyssey of the Mind is?
Check out their website:
As you can see I am a social butterfly.
But even with that many things I still get bored from time to time!
Good luck and
have fun!!!

15 September, 2008

Am I Up To The Challenge?

Hey Readers!
I was looking at someone else's blog and guess what?
They did a post everyday for a month and actually got an award for it!
I think that award would look great on my blog (Its a virtual award, of course)
I mean, seriously, don't you agree?
Well, leave a comment with some tips, support or anything!
I love you guys!

14 September, 2008


Today is Sammy's birthday!
Sammy is my little brother and he is turning four years old, the years went by really fast!
Now, of course, my birthday isn't until January, but I am still thinking about what I want the theme to be, what gifts I want and who I want to come.
When is your birthday?
Post your birthday on a comment.
See ya!

06 September, 2008

Busy Bee

Wow, I have been busy, busy, busy!
I am sorry that I have not put the pictures of my friend, Lucy and the moth, Pinky!
I have been doing volleyball, dance, about four art classes, and MUCH much more!
When I get the chance I PROMISE I will put on some more pictures!!!
Boy, am I pooped?